Connect Gruops
Connect Groups are a key aspect of our church community. Most meet fortnightly in the home of a group member. Find out what's on, and come along - there's room for you!
Connect Groups (Bible studies, support groups, book clubs) are inclusive spaces where community is fostered and people are supported. Vulnerability is encouraged in an impartial, caring environment through interactive conversations, as we grow together in our shared hunger for the living Word.
Hover over or click a box to see further details.

Thursday mornings
Fortnightly 10am -12
@ Church

Coffee + the Book
We meet fortnightly on Thursday mornings at the Church property, commencing at 10am and concluding by 12 noon. All ages are welcome, though most of us are retirees!
Leader: Bill Kennedy

Alternate Thursdays
Fortnightly 10am -12
@ Church

Know Your Bible
We are a Bible study based group of women who meet fortnightly for Bible study using the Know Your Bible method. We support each other to grow in faith, to reach out and introduce others to Jesus. Women of all ages are welcome, so come along for a cuppa as we enjoy praying together and having fun.
Leaders: Lynn Lowrey
& Jenny Gregor

All ages
Thursday nights
Fortnightly 7:30-8:45
Link available
on request

Online Only
Anyone with internet access is welcome. Our group contains people who love to study God's word and who enjoy a laugh!
Leader: Alanna

Tuesday nights
Fortnightly 7-9
@ Hamlyn's

We are a group of people who have a desire to learn more about life as a Christ follower.
Our group explore the Bible together, ask questions , share ideas and relax over supper at the end of the night.
Our goal is to journey together and to look after each other along the way.
Leader: Simon McQuitty

Friday nights
Fortnightly 6:30
@ Williams's

We meet every second Friday evening to be with Jesus, be like Jesus, do what Jesus did.
Jeff & Angie

Connect Community

All ages
Thursday nights
Fortnightly 7:30-9pm
@ Cook's

Shailer Park
We are a group that is a mixture of ages - which we love! We start at 7.30pm with prayer and finish around 9pm and then we enjoy a time of food & fellowship together. Everyone who comes along brings a small plate of food to share, with coffee/tea/hot chocolate/cold drinks provided by the hosts. We would love more people of all ages to come and join our homegroup. Fellowshipping and delving into God's Word and being there for one another is our main aim.
Leader: Russell Cook

Adults + people with a disability
1st & 3rd Thursday
nights, 6:30pm
@ Sciacci's

Shailer Park
Our group starts at 6:30 pm with a pot luck dinner. We are an inclusive group that connects with families that have adult children with special needs.
Leader: Wayne Brooker

Wednesday nights
Most weeks, 7-9pm

Young Adults
We are seeking to explore our faith as young adults and encourage each other as we find our place in the Body of Christ.
Group meetings typically involve hanging out, Bible study, prayer, tea and snacks.
We meet from 7pm-9pm.
Leader: Ezra & Annesha Makelainen

If you would like to join or visit a group, please complete our Contact Form and we will be in touch with further details.